Ways to keep social media accounts safe


The present age is the age of technology. Technology has opened up to us an immense wealth of knowledge. Communication, education, entertainment are almost all dependent on internet. The current number of Internet users in Bangladesh is about 100 million or 1 crore. Which is about 62 percent of the total population.

Different types of social media are used for communication. For example: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram and LinkedIn are also different types of social media. A new Facebook user is added every 12 seconds in our country, which is more than the country's birth rate. Sometimes I use it for work, sometimes I use it to communicate with old friends. Which has become an important part of our life.

As much as this social media is useful to us, it is also sometimes used for evil purposes. In 2019, Facebook was accused of stealing user information. A few days ago, many people complained that the Twitter account was hacked.

Nowadays everyone's online account is more or less vulnerable to hacking. And hackers can tell the best way to avoid this hacking. Today I will discuss in detail how to save from hackers, what method to adopt to reduce the possibility of your ID being hacked.

Use complex passwords:
First, avoid using easy-to-guess passwords. Use complex and long passwords with special characters, symbols, numbers, etc. Many people use their phone number to say long passwords, don't do that. Because hackers can collect your phone number in any way. Passwords are strictly private and cannot be shared with friends, family or loved ones. Use a different password for each website and use a password manager to remember passwords.

Two Factor Authentication:
You can enable two-level security or two-factor authentication when using different accounts online. Many services like Facebook, Google, Apple, Dropbox have this two level verification process. When this feature is enabled, a one-time-password (OTP) is sent to the mobile number associated with the account along with the password when logging in on a new device.

Avoid suspicious links:
If a close friend or Facebook friend shares a link in messenger or post or e-mail, you should not click on the link. In this case, you can ask him separately by knocking on the account.

Use the recovery email:
Use e-mail ID instead of mobile number in recovery option on various social media accounts. In this case, if the account is hacked for any reason, the notification will be sent to the e-mail. It is even possible to recover accounts from hackers in the fastest possible time.

Turn off the phone's Wi-Fi:
Don't keep the phone's Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on all the time. Hackers fall prey to such opportunities. If Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is always on, hackers can find out which networks were previously active. Cheating on a new network impersonating that network. Once inside that network, your phone is loaded with malware, which steals data from your phone without your knowledge.

Select friends after thorough verification:
Care must be taken in selecting friends through social media. Because a person involved in criminal activities or a hacker can become your friend and spread spam on the timeline. May tag you in embarrassing posts.

Turn off additional shares:
Any information or post should not be shared emotionally. First check well and then share. Do not upload, share or inbox anyone's personal sensitive information. Don't click on someone else's post.

Lastly, the current age of technology is so you need to have a lot of knowledge about technology. So that no one can harm you without your knowledge.

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